Wednesday, June 6, 2012

BayCon 2012 Pics (better late than never!)

BayCon 2012 was wonderful. Had a great time and did well. Thanks to the Hyatt hospitality and events staff for being great to the dealers as well as for coming by to shop!

I didn't take many pictures - partly because I was so busy, but mostly because I just kept forgetting.

Here's the left side of my booth

and the right side (The center of the booth, with me, was in a previous post)
I saw many more great costumes but these are the few I managed to catch with the camera

I was thrilled to have my daughter visit with me and give me time for a nice lunch break most days of the con. She sold some of my pieces, too. Thank you sweetie!

Looking forward to 2013! Next con - LosCon in November in Los Angeles.
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